Thursday, March 13, 2008

Blog 14 - Revisions of Blog 9 - Murder

As I sat under the palm tree, looking at the
phosphorescent water, I thought about poor old Simon.
Even though I told Ralph it was an accident, deep
inside I knew that it was a murder. We were all
dancing in a circle to keep the storm away, and then
suddenly we heard something fall out of the bushes. We
didn't even stop to see if we were right, we just
automatically thought it was the beast. We all started
to claw and scratch him with our nails, bite him with
our sharp teeth and he felt stifled with no way out.
Everyone was smothered in blood. I start to shudder
every time I think about it.

"It was a murder," Ralph said quietly.
"No, it wasn't a murder, it was an accident," I said.
Even though I said that, I didn't really believe what
I said. I know it was dark and there was a storm but
that probably wouldn't stop Jack.
As I heard a voice say "Piggy, Piggy," I got up. The
first thing that came to my mind was that it was the
beast. " Piggy, come here Piggy". I couldn't breathe.
My asthma started to get worse. I would breathe as
hard as I could in but it didn’t work. My lungs felt
like they were clogged. The beast had come for me.
Three bodies came in to the shelter and even though I
knew it wasn't the beast anymore my asthma wouldn't
stop. I gesticulated by putting my hand over my
throat. I was trying to tell Ralph that I was having
my asthma attack and I couldn't breathe but since it
was dark, It was no use.
I couldn't see but I could hear that people were
fighting. Then it sounded like it had stopped. I
started to get up to go to see what had happened. I
reached for my glasses but is all I felt was sand.
"Who took my glasses?".

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

blog 12- Jury Duty

A juror is a member of a group, called a jury. They
are selected to decide the innocence or guilt of a
person accused of crime. The jury hears the people
called to testify at the trial and examines the
evidence. The group must say an opinion based on the
facts said at the trial. The jury’s decision is called
the verdict. If the jury finds the accused guilty, the
judge pronounces the appropriate sentence on a later
date or immediately. If the jury finds the accused not
guilty he or she is acquitted immediately.

To qualify as juror, you have be 18 years or older.
You must be a US citizen and a citizen and resident of
the state the you will serve as a juror in. You must
have a good understanding of English. You have not
been convicted of a felony and have not served on a
jury in the last 12 months.

Not everyone can be a juror. Some people are not
allowed to serve on a jury, like people with a mental
disability or mental illness. You cannot be the friend
of the person accused of a crime or know someone
involved in the trial. If you are 70 years or older
and have a serious heath problem and if you have to
take care of a person in your household and there is
no one else to do it, you can be excused from being a
juror. You can also be excused if you are biased and
have made up your mind before you have heard both
sides. No one may refuse to be a juror unless you have
an acceptable reason. For example, some reasons are
people suffering from a physical or sensorial

If you are selected to serve on a jury, after the
trial is over, you usually won’t be called for jury
duty for at least a year and often longer. If you
qulitified to be a juror and you have not been
excused, you must report for jury service. Any person
who fails to respond could be fined up to $1,500 and
in addition you could also go to jail.

When you are on a jury you can’t read any newspaper
articles about your case or watch any television that
talks about your case. You also have to have no
biases, which means you need to be fair and can’t
judge people. When the trail is over you have to look
back at the notes you took during the trial. You then
have to have jury deliberations. During this
conversation, you and all of the other jurors will
talk and then come up with one vote. If even one juror
decides differently, they will have to meet again
until they can agree on a verdict, guilty or not

Saturday, March 8, 2008

blog 13-revisions of "blog 10 - Fight at Castle rock"

When we woke up the next morning Piggy was a mess, stumbling all over the place and complaining about not being able to see. Once we figured out that we needed the glasses we had to make a plan to get them back; because without the glasses we couldn't make a signalfire and Jack and his hunters could make one. Ralph said that we would go to castle rock to get them back. Ralph also said that we had to dress decently. We want Jack to know that we want to get what’s “ours” in apeaceful way. We walked to Castle rock silently because secretly we were all scared. As we got closerwe heard Roger say "Who goes there?"

Ralph had heard it and yelled back, “what do you mean, you can see it's us”. Boys start to come out of everywhere with spears. A big rock almost hit us. Roger had his hand on a lever and Ralph said "I’m calling an assembly about Piggy's glasses" . Just after that had happened someone came out of the forest with black and greenpaint on his face. We then realized that it was Jack.

"Go back to where you came from, this is my part of the island. This is my group now, " said Jack.

Then Ralph replied, "We would have let you share our fire but instead you stole Piggy's glasses, just like a thief." "Wait, what did you call me!" said Jack very angrily. “I called you a thief!" said Ralph Then Jack and Ralph fought with spears but when Piggy cried something to Ralph he remembered that he was there for Piggy's glasses and not to start a fight. "Just gimme'the specs!" said Ralph. Then another boy with a painted face took us by the arms. He then brought us behind a wall of other painted faces. Then, suddenly Roger pulled the lever he had been playing with and arock launched at Piggy. Piggy fell to the ground, his blood spilling all over the place. Then Piggy’s body fell into the ocean.

They really have turned into savages. We can't believe they would actually kill Piggy and allow the dark side of themselves take over. Jack came up to us and said,"You’re part of our group now."

"But we want-"

“-to go back with Ralph," Jack gave us a look. It was over. We were now part of Jack and his tribe.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

blog 11- The rescue

If there's smoke there must be people, I thought. As I stepped on the sand I saw a boy with long blond dirty hair. He had what looked like permanent dirt stuck to his face, arms and legs. I thought something might have happened to this kid because he was holding the side of his stomach and had blood on the bottom half of his body. I looked closer and saw behind this boy there were others. The other boys had paint on there face and spears in there hands, which looked like they were playing some kind of hunting game. Right then I started to wonder if there was any adults on this island?
"hullo" I said to the boy with blond hair.
"Hullo" he said quietly.
Are there any adults on this island? I questioned.
The blond haired boy had shook his head No. They must have liked that.
"Fun and games," I said.
There was so much smoke and I could see the fire spreading. There game must have gotten a little bit out of control.
"We saw your smoke, what have you been doing? It looks like a war has just ended.
The blond haired boy nodded. His face looked like something was wrong.
"Was anyone killed? I hope not," I said as the blond boy started to give me a sad look.
"Only two and there gone now"
I was shocked when I heard this.
"Two were Killed?!"
The boy nodded.
Some more kids were coming over to me but these kids looked younger. One kid came up to me and started to muter something.
I'm, I'm-"
I started to think, maybe these kids have been here for longer then I thought because this little kid has even forgot his name.
I wonder how many of these kids are there?
"We'll take you off. How many of you boys are there?"
No one said anything accept for the boy with blond hair, shook his head.
"Who's the boss of you boys?"
The blond hair boy said loudly, "I am"
How does he not no how many boys are on this island with them. This really made me think. What actually happened here?
"You don't know how many of you there are?"
"No sir" he answered politely
I thought British boys acted differently. More behaved.
"Your all British right? I would have thought you boys would have put on a better show then this."
The blond haired boy said sadly, "It used to be like that at first, but then-"
He stopped.
"We were together then-"
" I know just like the Coral Island" I said.
The blond haired boy gave me a dumb look.
I started to think again about what I had before, What happened on this island? Did kids kill other kids? I wondered. I thought that maybe they had been on this island so long that maybe they had all changed and started to imagine things that weren't real. And they started to separate because they had different ideas of stuff they liked and wanted and also if this thing they imagined was real.
I decide to turn away from the boys because they started to get sad so I wanted to give them time to pull themselves together. I looked at my cruiser and thought, I fight at wars and kill people. Maybe I'm more like these boys then I thought.

blog 5 - New Year's Fun

People talking, A kitchen full with food and champagne overflowing, little kids running around and music blaring. It is just a typical New Years Eve party at the Fox’s. The food table is colorful with the delightful aroma of all kinds of smells, Italian with fragrant basil and garlic, Mexican with cilantro, beans and rice, Chinese with Mongolian beef and broccoli.

In the kitchen is where you will find the adults, some adults with serious faces talking about global warming and some laughing about a funny stories that happened to them. Some of the little kids about 5 years old will be in the living room running around, playing tag. The 8 year old kids will usually be in the t.v room, playing the wii. People my age will be in my friend Anna’s room, listening to music, laughing about everything.

All the adults yell, “IT IS ALMOST TIME”. My friends and I go to see what desserts we find. There is apple pie, blue berry pie, cherry pie, brownies from the store, brownies someone’s made and all different kinds of chocolate desserts.

All of the Kids push there way up the stairs, some of the little ones fall down, and climb back up. We all push until we get to the roof. As all different colors form the sky, like blue which mixed with red and made purple, orange, yellow, all the colors of the rainbow flashed. Everybody looks at there watches and cell phones. Everyone at the same time yells “HAPPY NEW YEAR!”My friends and I scream as loud and long as we can. We can hear the adults around us tell us to stop and be more quiet but we ignore them and keep screaming. I wasn’t very hyper at all before that but the second everybody started yelling everybody's excitement ran through my body. I couldn’t help it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blog 10- Fight at Castle Rock

When we woke up the next morning Piggy was a mess. Stumbling all over the place and complaining about not being able to see. Once we figured out that we needed the glasses we had to make a plan to get them back; because without the glasses we couldn't make a signal fire and Jack and his hunters could make one. Ralph said that we would go to castle rock to get them back. Ralph also said that we had to dress decently. We want Jack to know that we want to get whats ours in a peaceful way.  We walked to Castle rock silently because secretly we were all scared. As we got closer we heard Roger say "Who goes there?". Ralph had heard it and yelled back

what do you mean, you can see it's us. Boys start to come out of everywhere with spears. A big rock almost hit us. Roger had his hand on a lever and Ralph said "Im calling an assembly about piggy's glasses" . Just after that had happened someone came out of the forest with black and green paint on his face then we realized that it was Jack. "Go back to where you came from, this is my part of the island. This is my group now. " said Jack

Then Ralph replied "We would have let you share our fire but instead you stole piggy's glasses, just like a thief." 

"Wait, what did you call me!" said Jack very angrily

"I called you a thief!" said Ralph

Then Jack and Ralph fought with spears but when Piggy cried something to Ralph he remember that he was there for Piggy's glasses and not to start a fight. 

"Just gimme' the specs!" said Ralph. 

Then another boy with a painted face took us by the arms. He brought us behind a wall of other painted faces. Then, just like that another sudden thing happened. Roger pulled the lever he had been playing with and a rock launched at Piggy. Piggy fell to the ground, his blood spilling all over the place. Then the body fell into the ocean. They really have turned into savages. We thought. We can't believe they would kill Piggy we can't believe that they have actually let the dark side of themselves take over. Jack came up to us and said, "Your part of our group now."

"But we want-"

"-to go back with Ralph"

Jack gave us a look. It was over. We were now part of Jack and his tribe.  

blog 9- Murder

As I sat under the palm tree, looking at the phosphorescent water, I though about poor old Simon. Even though I told Ralph it was an accident, deep inside I knew that it was a murder. We were all dancing in a circle to keep the storm away, and then suddenly we heard something fall out of the bushes. We didn't even stop to see if we were right, we just automatically thought it was the beast. We all started to claw and scratch him with our nails, bite him with our sharp teeth and he felt stifled with no way out. Everyone was smothered in blood. I start to shudder every time I think about it.

"It was a murder"Ralph said quietly.

"No it wasn't a murder, it was an accident" I said.

Even though I said that, I didn't really believe what I said. I know it was dark and there was a storm but that probably wouldn't stop Jack. 

As I heard a voice say "Piggy, Piggy" I got up. The first thing that came to my mind was that it was the beast. " Piggy, come here Piggy". I couldn't breathe. My asthma started to get worse. I would breathe as hard as I could in but it did work. My lungs felt like they were clogged. The beast had come for me.  Three bodies came in to the shelter and even though I knew it wasn't the beast anymore my asthma wouldn't stop. I gesticulated by putting my hand over my throat. I was trying to tell Ralph that I was having my asthma attack and I couldn't breathe but since it was dark, I was no use. 

I couldn't see but I could hear that people were fighting. Then it sounded like it had stopped. 
I started to get up to go to see what had happened. I reached for my glasses but is all I felt was sand. "Who took my glasses?"